Friday, March 15, 2013

Listen while Learning

It's pretty obvious that some energetic tunes help us get chore time done around here, and I wondered if background music would be helpful or a hindrance during other tasks or even during study time.  It looks like the results from research related to background music during learning are mixed.

Sometimes the music can cover up other distracting noises to help students focus, but sometimes the music becomes too distracting (or interesting!) itself.  So, selecting the right type and complexity of music intended to be background music is key.  Recently I was eating lunch with my son at his school in the cafeteria, and the music teacher put on classical music for everyone to enjoy.  During a slow movement, the effect was calming on the room, but during an exciting bit, the students were distracted,  talked louder and bounced around more.  Lesson learned!

As for study time, researchers have found that background music made some subjects of study seem easier, and others seem harder for students.  Keeping this in mind, I am motivated to find the right balance of music for our environment, especially since it's been shown that music activates areas of the brain and can arouse students' interest.

Now I'll put on something rousing and go fold that laundry!

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