Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Learn your Semester Songs!

Here's another cheap-o MP3 player ($15) that you may be interested in.  I recently bought one for my 5 year old, and put her Let's Play Music songs on it.  Each semester I added the new songs I wanted her to learn.  She had fun listening with her very own MP3 player, and because it was cheap, I'm not worried about the eventuality of loss or breakage.


1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you posted these! I have an Iphone and my kids have Ipods so I didn't think I need another music device. But I won an Ipod shuffle at my husband's work Christmas party and finally started using it. It's so easy to load up my LPM songs and clip on my shirt. I listen while I work, exercise, or prep lessons and it is so lightweight and easy to take around with me that I LOVE it!
